Mon 27 Jan
$40»-;-» JUST »-;» WHAT »-;-» YOU »-;-» WANT »;-» TODAY »-;-» - 37
(Columbia, *broad river* ( columbia sc))
♥ for all you MEN with BIG appetite ... 38 dd's SERVED on a PLATTER ... NEW BUSTY ASIAN ♥♡♥¿ - 22
(Denver, denver incalls)
► FiVe *{{★}}* SeRviCe!!! ◄ [*AVAiLABLE NOW! *] SuPeR Hot * *REaL PiCS!. - 22
ebony princess lets play soft n sexy my warm apple pie is waiting for you******! - 23
(Denver, airport rd and Alameda incall / outcalls)
* * * ( ( ( ( AMAZING ) ) ) ) * * * * ( ( ( ( PETITE ) ) ) ) * * * * _College Girl_ - 21
(Denver, Denver Metro Area DTC, Ft.Collins, etc..)
UPSCALE PLAITNUM Blonde_ ★____ SEXY ____ ★___ CLASSY ★____REAL ___ ★ - 27
★ A Real CuTie Ready "4" A Real GoOd Time ★ Kitty 720-225-8760 - 21
(Nice Cozy incall + out call)
* * * * * A C T U A L * P I C S * * * * * V I S I T I N G * * * * * B U S T Y * B L O N D E * * * * - 23
UP LATE..Looking TO Spoil a OLDER GENTLeMEN . Its YoUr lucky Night $pecialxoxo - 26
(, IN/OUTCALLS...XO specials)
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS + Beautiful Girl Next Door + Perfect 10 Body + KATE - 28
$80 ☠ WAM BAM THANK YOU MAAM ☠ $80 incall special Tuesday nite only ☠ VIOLA VALHALLA ☠ - 32
(Denver, West Denver)
🎀💗➡💰60SpEciAL ¡f 💎YoU 🌹cAn 🍒MaKe 🍰My 👙pAnT¡Es ⬇dRoP i 👑CaN 🌈mAkE 👑yOuR 🍭LoLL¡ 🎊PoP⬅💗🎀 - 27
(Denver, I225 & iliff INCALL ONLY)
_______ 80 _ SPECIAL ________ C o m e ___ E n j o y ! _______ - 35
(Denver, _______Sunday_____________ DTC area)
_ ______ >>>___°S°E°X°Y° _________* . O N E . * . O F . * . A . * . K I N D . *_ ______
(Nice Private Incall)
Ready for some fun ❣ 💋 Outcalls, specials ask NEW PICS - 20
(Providence, Providence Warwick Newport Jamestown, Warwick)
5/30 IM 100%REAL. 200$p€l Reviewed P411 $exy CUrve$ & Gorgeous Face $KILL$ 24/7 - 34
(City of Denver, Denver, DWNTWN *RVRFnt *16th* lohi *)
$$100 hour $$80 half ♥•♡•★• Beautiful Mature Mexican Mommy Princess ♥•♡•★• - 44
(Denver, Aurora DIA)
100% REAL ▬▬ SEXY ★ PETITE ★ BRUNETTE ▬▬▬▬ ★ SWEET ★ ▬▬▬FUN BOMBSHELL▬ ★ ▬▬███ ██ ██HOT███ █████ - 35
(Denver, ______________________I GO TO ALL AREA'S)
➜Avαiℓabℓε ¨ ☆ (( BLONDE DOLL )) ➜➜➜ ¨ (( W€LL WÕR†H ¡† BÂB¥ )) ☆ ➜➜➜ ¨ ☆ SîMpL¥ †Hε BεS† ☆ ¨ - 24
(Denver, ♡ ¤ ♡ DTC ♡ ¤ ♡)
:%100,% Real and amazing# Exoctic Sexy Puerto Rican *€ Specials All night - 24
(Ft Collins, Ft. Collin and surrounding city's/)
■▣• ☆◆ A LiL SaSs & A LoT o' A▒$▒$ ◆☆ *JaW*DrOpPiNg* §kiLL§ & AbSoLuTeLy GorGeOuS •▣■ - 25
(Colorado Springs, Your Place : ))
💛💕____ 36D Skilled Blonde 💛💕___ Fr3aky 💛💕 ____Na@ghty &Nice; 💛💕 ____New Pics 💛💕____ - 32
%%%%%%% Anywhere out to you 720-221-4658 %%%%% Sexy ^^^^^ Hot Asian Girl ^^^^^ Susan %%%%%%% - 22
(Anywhere out to you, City of Denver, Denver)
Beautiful Big Blonde Kitty in Greeley! 90 half hour special!! - 35
(City of Denver, Denver, Ft Collins, greeley)
Tw0 ExXoTiic bEaUTiiEs ReAdY FoR WhAtEvEr iN sUbUrB aREa >GENEVA< - 19
(Syracuse, Geneva incall ONLY)
*AVAILABLE 24HRS* KIM ~DREAM COME TRUE *i meet u at the door naughtywear n heels $100hr 315*436*3972 - 24
(Syracuse, sexy Kim @ Rt 11 (n.syr))
[×°x°×SuPeR sWeEt -°x°×]SuPeR SeXy [×°x°× BLoNde FrEaK ×° x°×] 100% Real Pics - 20
(*!*!*!*!*!*!*!Cherry Creek *!*!*!*!*!*!*)
(¯`'.¸° .x.X.y & Busty & Upscale .°° .¸°¯`) DTC incall * Lunchtime special ... - 21
(Upscale ***** DTC location or your place)
[×°x°×SuPeR BAD-×°x°×] SuPeR WeT/ TiGHT [×°x°×JUICeY A S S×° x°×] FREAK BY NATURE - 23
(Y_O_U_R ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★•°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★•°° (M_E_) NEW PICS! -20 - 20
(Denver, DENVER surrounding areas OUTS ONLY)
★❤★❤ ▃ ▂★❤ Y ★ U N G ❤★▂ ▃ ★❤ N E W ❤★ ▃ ▂★❤ B E A U T Y ❤★ ▂ ▃ !★❤★❤ - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, your bed or mine)
( Y ) It's The Weekend Mommy Want To Come Out & Play :) - 31 - 31
(Other cities: Northwest, North Denver)
♡☆◇Call Tonight or Early Morning....Super Sexy Redhead...Come See What Your Missing◇☆♡t - 22
The Hot Ebony female you desire with a cute face and nice body. - 24
(Philadelphia, King of prussia pa)
🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈Best service in Syracuse👒👒👒👒👒👒💰special 💃💃💃💃💃💃China from Shanghai 📞7⃣8⃣1⃣ 3⃣5⃣4⃣ 2 2 6 3 - 20
(Cyracuse, Syracuse)
Call NOW for a one time special...You help me and I'll help You - 40
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle (Nice Hotel))
×°x°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWeeTNeSS _×°x°× §®VIC ... Hå LåV'§ U Wih A §mil - 23
(Broomfield & Vicinity, Thornton)
Sexy 👙 Seductive 💋 Upscale 🍷Classy Blonde Top Provider🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 31
(Hammond:Slidell:Mand:Franklinton:Covingt, Mid-City, New Orleans)
SDUCT!VE__ *!* *!* ITALIAN *!!*__ *!* BOMBSHLL !! 80 SpeCiaLS - 22
(New Orleans, kenner metairie incall and outcall)
*WARNING!___ ____ _____ _______ ________ █ ▆ ▅ BOMBSHELL! ▅ ▆ █ - 22
(Denver, CHERRY CREEK ☎⎷⎛ $100$)
Out of this world SEXY!🚀💟👄 NEW to TOWN! 💎💄👠Visiting- ready to play📞💻💋💕 - 25
(French Quarter / CBD, OUTCALLS only)